Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Firstly, I'd like to welcome two of my very good friends and companions. Demonmonky is quite the talented warrior who I have known for ages. While I was still learning the art of war, he was already mastering it and was quite willing to aid me in my journey. He has quite an active personality, and his habitual jumping makes me think he is either part rabbit, or has a fear of the ground, which is quite an oddity for a dwarf. Nemain is a druid of recent aquaintance, and anyone who is willing to spend so much time and energy keeping me and my friends from dying has to be a good guy. And he is. Even if he is one of those nature loving freaks. Worshipping trees and animals? Night elves are quite odd.

Anyway, when I arose this morning in Light's Hope Chapel, I was startled to learn that all our efforts to destroy the undead ziggurats around Azeroth seemed to be for naught, for they had reformed, or had been replaced, at the original postions. The powers of Kel'Thuzad are quite impressive, indeed. As I and my guildmates -- notably the mages Scottee, Windstrom, and Brees -- renewed our efforts to destroy the crystals and stem the tide of the undead invasion, we met, mostly with overwhelming success. I and the mages were not the only heroes working toward the destruction of the crystals, but their ability to blast large numbers of enemies was surely the key to our victories.

Me in Tanaris

Oh crap

Genesis: Zombie Killers

But alas, our successes were short lived as the ziggurats were again replaced within just a few hours of their destruction. The most common question on our lips, and those of other adventurers, these days, is already, "How long will this last?" It is my opinion that until the power behind the invasion, Kel'Thuzad, is slain, the Scourge will continue to wreak havoc upon the lands and citizens of Azeroth. Others believe that what has begun will never end, and we will live with this perpetual threat over our heads. And then others take a third position and believe that the invasion will be a yearly event. This idea does intrigue me though it is the hardest to accept, as the invasion, led by a creature of arcane and icy magics, is occuring at the same time as the Fire Festival is celebrated by the citizens of all Azeroth. What possible connection could there be between fire and ice?

Returning to Stormwind, I was settling into a relaxing lunch when the alarm rang out that undead had been sighted in various locations around the city. Quickly rearming, I hurried to the Park and found a large abomination and several skeletons in battle with the few city guards in the area.

Undead in Stormwind

Joining the fray, our combined efforts quickly brought the monstrosity down. When it died, a broken crystal similar to the ones by the necropolises around the world was found inside it. The Argent Dawn representative that I talked to later believed that the undead were attempting to establish similar summoning circles inside the city. However, before I was able to report the presence of the crystal, I headed to the city keep where the guards were fending off a rush of several skeletons.

Undead in the Keep

I have no doubts that we are in for a long, wearing and costly fight against the Scourge. However, we cannot set aside all our other duties in the protection of the Alliance. And so, now I must leave Stormwind again to head off with my guild to see to the death of Onyxia.


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